DMH Automotive dynamic content
Demo www.dmhautomotive.localhost/Mehaul/
A was a collaborative project with K18 Creations. This website was designed entirely by K18 and then passed to me to engineer so that the client could easily update the latest stock content. The client was a reseller or pre-owned auto-mobiles.
The client needed to be able to upload multiple pictures of each car, mark one as the main image and provide a description of the vehicle as well as the status of the vehicle (for sale, sold). To accomplish this, I created a desktop application in C# which would resize selected images and upload them through FTP to the website.
Links to images and descriptions would be output to an XML file which was also uploaded to the website via FTP. When the page is rendered it uses JQuery to parse the XML file and place the content in the correct areas. Latest stock. This section would display the three most recently added vehicles. Cars for sale. This section would display all the cars and allow pagination which showed a maximum of 4 cars at a time. Unfortunately this website was taken offline, I did manage to salvage an old version of it, though it isn’t the finished article. DMH Automotive project on GitHub