
Votr.live is a real time audience participation appliction. Participant sumbit choices and vote for their favourite. Leveraging WebSockets and React, Votr allows spectators to be involved with...

Jan 13, 2022 1 minute read

GitLab CE Contributor

GitLab is an open source GIT repository manager written in Ruby on Rails utilising; CoffeeScript, SQL, and HAML. Other technologes used include Redis and PostgreSQL.

Apr 2, 2016 1 minute read

Workers' History Museum Webmaster

The Workers’ History Museum is a not-for-profit organisation based in Ottawa that is dedicated to the development and preservation of workers’ history. Their goals are to present, promote,...

Feb 11, 2016 8 minute read

Nxew - Web Developer

Nxew (North by East West) is an initiative to raise awareness of local Ottawa artists. The general premise is that Ottawa based musicians would make a playlist of...

Jan 30, 2016 1 minute read

Hydro Not For Sale - Wordpress Developer

In a meeting with Andy Pendersen of the Citizens Coalition Against Privatization we discussed their web presence needs, and agreed upon delivery requirements and a time line. In...

Jan 29, 2016 1 minute read

Prix Rideau Awards - Webmaster and Designer

The Prix Rideau Awards (PRA) is a not for profit organization that aims to celebrate and promote locally produced French and English theatre in Ottawa. When the previous...

Jan 28, 2016 1 minute read

Glove Actually - Softball Team Website

During the summer of 2015 I joined a recreational softball team - Glove Actually. All the details about our league, the standings and play game schedule were available...

May 15, 2015 1 minute read

subDevision Volunteer - "Genius"

*Genius *created by local artists Kate Smith and Patrick Gauthier for the art party SubDevision. The piece examined the confusion, elation and frustration people experience when learning. For...

Apr 12, 2015 1 minute read

Coder Dojo - Instructor

The Coder Dojo is a not-for-profit initiative based in Belfast NI with the aim to teach young children the fundamentals of programming. Children aged 6-10 would...

May 8, 2013 1 minute read

Norys - Multi-lingual website

Norys is a Polish based company that creates bent wood chairs for wholesale. I was commissioned by Norys to create a bilingual website that Norys could update with...

May 10, 2010 1 minute read

DG Hair Dressing - Website

Edy Consultancy is an agency that helps small businesses create a larger impact in local communities. One of their clients was DM Hair Dressing, a small hair salon...

Apr 16, 2010 1 minute read